Apply online to become a foster parent for Citizens for Animal Protection! After we review your application, you will receive an invitation to a foster parent orientation. Attendance at an orientation is required for all CAP volunteers. You must be 18 years of age or older to be a CAP foster parent.
Thank you for your interest in helping Houston's homeless animals!
Personal Information
First Name(*)
Please add your first name.
Last Name(*)
Please add your last name.
Please enter a valid age.
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Please enter a valid city.
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Zip Code(*)
Please enter a valid zip code.
Email Address(*)
Email Address is not a valid e-mail address.
Home Phone(*)
Please add your home phone number.
Cell Phone
Please add your employer.
Work Phone
Have you ever been employed by CAP? If so, list employment dates:(*)
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Are you currently a volunteer for CAP? If so, how long have you volunteered, and in what capacity:(*)
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Do you:
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Rental Information
Landlord Phone
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Landlord Name
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Do you have permission to temporarily care for animals in your home?
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Home & Pets
Do you have a fenced yard? (*)
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If so, is the fence in good condition?
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List the names and ages of all people currently living in the home:(*)
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Names those who are home during the day:
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Do you or anyone in the home have any pet-related allergies?(*)
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List all animals currently in the home, including age, sex, breed, spayed or neutered, and vaccinations (FVRCP/Felv or DHLPP/Bordatella, rabies, heartworm prevention): (*)
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Have you ever cared for sick, injured, or orphaned animals? If so, explain.(*)
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We recommend that new foster animals entering the home remain isolated from owned pets for a minimum of 1-2 weeks to reduce the possibility of spreading unknown health issues to owned animals. Where and how will you keep your foster animal during this time?(*)
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What veterinary office do you take your pets to?(*)
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Humane Experience
Are you currently fostering animals for another group? If so, which group?
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List any animal organizations/rescue groups you are currently a foster or member of:
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What interested you in becoming a foster parent for our shelter?(*)
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Have you had any animal diseases in your household, i.e. Parvo, Distemper, Feline Leukemia, Feline AIDS? If so, when and what type(*)
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Foster Preferences
Canine Preferences(*)
Feline Preferences(*)
Other Preference(*)
Invalid Input
Submit Your Application
Security Code(*)